be present be grateful be kind
This has to be my favourite saying, and in any situation I find myself in, I always retract my mind back to this. So, in this branch blog, we will talk all about it.
The first part is ‘be present’, so what does it mean to be present? Well, for me, being present means being in the moment, acknowledging everything, and taking everything in. It is important to be present in every moment, as there is no good in worrying about the past. Enjoy what's going on now, no matter how small it is, and appreciate it for what it is.
‘Be grateful'; this one is so important. Now, being grateful doesn’t just mean saying ‘thank you’. It is being grateful for everything you have, the people around you, and how far you have come. Be grateful for the people who care about you, and don't dwell on the people things didn't work out with, because more often than not, it happened for a reason.
‘Be kind’. We are only human, and not every day will be our best, but we should always ensure we are being kind to others and, just as importantly, ourselves. It can be so easy to put yourself down or talk negatively about yourself, but there is no need. Think twice about all the amazing things you and your body can do before being so dismissive of yourself. To others, don’t get me wrong; sometimes people can push our buttons, but we do not know what's going on in their lives. Always give them the benefit of the doubt. If it’s not going to affect you much, the best thing to do is just bite your lip and be kind. It shows more about you as a person if you are always kind.
Love always Anaiá 💋 Xx